


Victorine Kum's activity

From 08/20/2023 to 09/18/2023


08:56 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1739 (In Progress): Review of HVL register and EAC enrolment per cohort in Hopital Bethseda
The HVL register and follow up of patients with HVL. To see if all are enrolled in EAC and proper follow up is done. ... Victorine Kum
08:31 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 4.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1738 (In Progress): Review of Pediatric surge and testing of Adolescents)
Mentoring done on pediatric surge and resolutions taken on way forward to improve testing in the ages 1 to 19years Victorine Kum
08:24 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1738 (In Progress): Review of Pediatric surge and testing of Adolescents
The pediatric surge activity has been very slow in Bethseda and so resolutions were taken to speed up the process for... Victorine Kum


10:16 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 3.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1737 (New): weekly zoom CQI meeting to follow up site activities)
Weekly zoom CQI meeting on follow up of site activities and challenges addressed per program area Victorine Kum
10:11 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 11: Program Management #1737 (New): weekly zoom CQI meeting to follow up site activities
The zoom meeting started at 11am with the presentation of the agenda. First was the finance review and challenges enc... Victorine Kum
09:51 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 3.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1736 (New): Review of HVL register and EAC enrolment per cohort)
Review of HVL registers and EAC enrollment of patients with HVL into EAC sessions for enhanced counselling. Patients ... Victorine Kum
09:42 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1736 (New): Review of HVL register and EAC enrolment per cohort
The HVL register was reviewed and the gaps identified were addressed. All HVL patients who had received EAC sessions ... Victorine Kum
09:25 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 4.00 hours (Obj. 11: Program Management #1735 (New): Evaluation of APSs)
Objective evaluation of APSs according to the performance grill Victorine Kum
09:21 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 11: Program Management #1735 (New): Evaluation of APSs
All APS were evaluated according to the evaluation performance form. The activity took place at HD Cite Verte. APSs w... Victorine Kum
03:01 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 2.00 hours (Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1734 (In Progress): Mentoring done with APS PTME on correct follow up of pregnant women and proper documentation of all servies)
Mentoring on proper documentation on services offered to pregnant and breastfeeding women and update of registers. ap... Victorine Kum
02:57 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 4: PMTCT services #1734 (In Progress): Mentoring done with APS PTME on correct follow up of pregnant women and proper documentation of all servies
After review of the PMTCT cohort monitoring register, alots of gaps were identified from offering of services to prop... Victorine Kum
02:38 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 4.00 hours (Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1733 (In Progress): Mentoring done with APS pediatric on proper documentation and good follow up of Expose and infected infants in HD Okola.)
Correct and proper documentation of expose infant cohort register and Pediatric CCM register. Document all PCR result... Victorine Kum
02:23 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1733 (In Progress): Mentoring done with APS pediatric on proper documentation and good follow up of Expose and infected infants in HD Okola.
After review of expose infant cohort register and infected infant CCM register, alot of gaps were identified. Mentori... Victorine Kum
02:03 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 4.00 hours (Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1732 (In Progress): Rapid case finding in the community in HD OKOLA day 2 of the activity)
Rapid case finding was done in Nemeyon day 2 of the implementation whereby 10 persons were tested for HIV with lots m... Victorine Kum
01:55 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1732 (In Progress): Rapid case finding in the community in HD OKOLA day 2 of the activity
Case identification carried out in the community of Nemeyon with the team accompanied by the District supervisor. we ... Victorine Kum


10:55 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 5.00 hours (Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1719 (New): Rapid case finding in the community in HD OKOLA)
Testing in the community using the door to door approach for search of positive and health talks delivery. Victorine Kum
10:34 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #1719 (New): Rapid case finding in the community in HD OKOLA
This activity was carried out in the communities of of Voua 2 and Elig - eyen on the 12th of Sept being day 1. An int... Victorine Kum
10:03 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 4.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1718 (In Progress): Follow up on retention action plan at HD OKOLA)
Meeting with site staff (Coordo, major, APS and data team)on retention catch up plan and tracking of LTFU and proper ... Victorine Kum
09:50 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1718 (In Progress): Follow up on retention action plan at HD OKOLA
Review of tracking tools with the APS retention with emphasis on proper documentation. The strategies that worked bes... Victorine Kum


10:43 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 4.00 hours (Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1615 (In Progress): CQI meeting on retention at HDCV)
CQI meeting on retention. Review of action and level of implementation. Progress made so far. Tracking of difficult p... Victorine Kum
10:34 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1615 (In Progress): CQI meeting on retention at HDCV
Review of action plan put in place by the team, level of implementation and progress. Gaps in attaining set objective... Victorine Kum
10:24 PM TIDE - Cameroon - Y4 Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1614 (New): Follow up on Adolescent champion activities and briefing on upcoming Ado club
Adolescent champion has not been active for a while now and so she was called up to know her challenges. unfortunatel... Victorine Kum

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