


Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #1533

Triangulation and Validation of Report for testing and retention

Added by Nathan Tabot about 1 year ago.

Start date:
Due date:
08/03/2023 (about 14 months late)
% Done:


Estimated time:
8.00 h


, I continued with the triangulation of data with the APS retention in HR Ayos, all CCM, tracking tool, daily appointment log books TARV registers and DAMA, for each 7APS retention, with specific aspect such as the TX_CUR, TX-ML, and for each APS We looked at the effort of contribution to the entire retention of the HRA Ayos then did Validation of score card with the Major. The overall retention is 71%, I found out that the drop in retention did not come from LTFU, nor death, nor T-OUT but from 6 doubloon which were remove from old cohort, tracking registers do not capture absences for above 7days.
For Viral load, the Cohort of new 20% of eligible client were collected which is unacceptable.AS a recommendation, (1)I requested a list of all eligible clients for High viral load, new client between 6month and 1year and children latest, date is Thursday (03/08/2023) for weekly data validation meeting, (2) All tracking tool must be filled, daily to be followed up by Major
Next was Validation in CSC Ayos
-Triangulation of Quality assurance registers of all entry point in the facility, namely(Laboratory, community testing, Index testing, ANC and Labour & delivery
-In this registers I triangulated total testing, total tested positive, total linked, we equally looked at the ICT especially pediatric surge at the and documentation in ANc, Labour and Delivery register and PCR register. Next was validation APS retention report. which is single cohort cohort of 323 clients
Challenges noted
-The total treatment new was very low because for two months they haven't received neither determine nor KHB/Oral quick for confirmation
-Single APS tester and its difficult going alone for a planed community testing especially index testing(pediatric surge) or 1by 2 testing.
-PCR register still not completely filled(little follow up of expose infants and no final outcome documented)
-Treatment file do not contain treatment follow up sheets.
-Writing a immediate mail requesting the pharmacist to look into the testing kit stockout treating the issue as an urgent request for CSC Ayos
-Immediate follow up by major to ensure clear documentation of each patient treatment file to be examined in my next visit.
-Follow with major the surge of all expose babies and their documentation to be done in registers
Next was restitution of ICT,GBV/IPV,LIVES and SNS trainings done in HRA Ayos.
Triangulation of Quality assurance registers of all entry point in the facility, namely (Laboratory, community testing, Index testing, ANC and Labour & delivery
-In these registers I triangulated total testing, total tested positive, total linked, we equally looked at the ICT especially pediatric surge at the and documentation in ANC, Labour and Delivery register and PCR register. Next was validation APS retention report. which is single cohort of 323 clients
Challenges noted
-The total treatment new was very low because for two months they haven't received neither determine nor KHB/Oral quick for confirmation
-Single APS tester and its difficult going alone for a planned community testing especially index testing (pediatric surge) or 1by 2 testing.
-PCR register still not completely filled (little follow up of expose infants and no final outcome documented)
-Treatment file do not contain treatment follow up sheets.
-Writing a immediate mail requesting the pharmacist to look into the testing kit stockout treating the issue as an urgent request for CSC Ayos
-Immediate follow up by major to ensure clear documentation of each patient treatment file to be examined in my next visit.
-Follow with major the surge of all expose babies and their documentation to be done in registers.

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Rate $ Hourly
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