



The Translating Data and Evidence into Impact (TIDE) Program has been designed and will be implemented to achieve the purpose and strategies of CDC funding opportunity: Targeted Programmatic Support Across Countries under Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Georgetown University, under the auspices of the Center for Global Health Practice and Impact (CGHPI) has received CDC Cooperative Agreement award number U2GGH002214 to implement TIDE in Cameroon, Haiti, and the Western Hemisphere. TIDE is a Global Program Support and Assistance (PSA) mechanism designed to support countries’ efforts to achieve and sustain HIV epidemic control. The purpose of TIDE program assistance in Cameroon is to implement HIV prevention, care, and treatment services across the clinical cascade for adult and pediatric, general, and key populations to achieve HIV epidemic control. The effectiveness of TIDE will be measured by several outcomes including; increased HIV testing yield, new PLHIV diagnosed, linked to care, treated, retained, and virally suppressed; increased prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) services and early infant diagnosis (EID); increased access and uptake of comprehensive HIV services for hard to reach populations; improved capacity of government institutions at regional and district levels to provide oversight and quality assure comprehensive HIV and TB/HIV services; increased capacity of health facilities and health care delivery teams to use data and evidence to improve quality of care for all patients and improve efficiency and effectiveness in care delivery systems, and; increased capacity at all levels of the care system to collect, analyze, use, and report programmatic and client level data. From September 30, 2019 through September 29, 2020, TIDE will enroll at least 38,957 new clients on ART, maintain a total of 115,540 PLHIV on treatment, and ensure at least 97,991 PLHIV receiving treatment are virally suppressed (85% of 115,540).

GU-CGHPI is implementing TIDE in partnership with CDC and the Government of Cameroon at all levels of the health system in the PEPFAR defined Eastern Zone 3 which includes Center and East Regions of Cameroon. In addition, GU-CGHPI will collaborate with the private sector human centered design (HCD) company, Desire Line, and local community-based organizations for enhanced patient support tailored to meet and address challenges to successful HIV interventions. TIDE Program activities will be implemented through five cross-cutting high level strategies to optimize impact: Co-creation and co-implementation of interventions with MOHs, other IPs, and beneficiary communities; Embedment of key experts and care providers at the facility level (including infectious diseases, epidemiology, data analytics and use, micro-epidemic prevention, quality improvement, human centered design, and health care service delivery modeling) to ensure quality service delivery Use of technology to speed up implementation ; (4) Continuous service level assessment, program, and population level epidemiological data analysis to drive more effective service delivery and quality improvement; and Intentional linkage of data and delivery innovation to health facility managers, service delivery providers, community groups patients, and regional delegate and district health leaders from the beginning of the program . Capacity building and TA are integrated into all activities and will be provided at all levels of the health care system (national, regional, district, 73 selected health facilities and their catchment areas, down to the community level) to enhance individual competencies and institutional capability to optimize the HIV response. **

Time tracking

  • Estimated time: 731.00 hours
  • Spent time: 666.00 hours

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