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Obj. 9: Data management #1458: Annual recycling of Data c... Obj. 9: Data management #1458: Annual recycling of Data clerks on DAMA/EMR for both regions

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 04/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1178: Advocate for RTG-TB FPs to ... Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1178: Advocate for RTG-TB FPs to collaborate with facility TB FPs to ensure sample collection or patient referral in all facilities and provide them a minimal Top -up package

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 04/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1177: In collaboration TB RTG, S... Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1177: In collaboration TB RTG, Support these stand alone facilities with sputum collection materials

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 04/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1176: Provide these sites with TB... Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1176: Provide these sites with TB presumptive registers and train on documentation

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 04/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1175: Build staffs capacity of ot... Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1175: Build staffs capacity of others entries points on TB screening

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 04/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1174: Mapping of all HIV stand al... Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1174: Mapping of all HIV stand alone sites in the zone

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 04/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1114: Print and disseminate jobai... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1114: Print and disseminate jobaides on WHO staging of HIV Disease and STOP management of AHD

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 04/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #790: Provide VL registers and VL... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #790: Provide VL registers and VL Request booklet in all supported facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 04/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #788: Provide a tracking logbook ... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #788: Provide a tracking logbook to bikers

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 04/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #521: Reinforce the referral of n... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #521: Reinforce the referral of network associates for HIV testing using coupons

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 04/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #318: Identify and conduct a trai... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #318: Identify and conduct a training/sensitization/mentoring of 10 CHWs - expert male providers (7 Center/ 3 East) on the identification of the different corners for men, and adolescents for case finding in facilities and community and delivery of preventive

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 04/30/2023
Priority: Normal


Obj. 9: Data management #1454: Update and enhance capacity... Obj. 9: Data management #1454: Update and enhance capacity of M&E Associates or MER updates, new reporting requirements, tools and innovations

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 9: Data management #1453: Conduct quarterly Outcomes ... Obj. 9: Data management #1453: Conduct quarterly Outcomes monitoring and evaluation meeting (OME)

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 9: Data management #1420: DQA Restitution with site s... Obj. 9: Data management #1420: DQA Restitution with site staff

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 9: Data management #1417: Notify the sites on the tim... Obj. 9: Data management #1417: Notify the sites on the time of DQA with a service note (Quarterly)

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 9: Data management #1416: Quarterly Meeting to Brief ... Obj. 9: Data management #1416: Quarterly Meeting to Brief the team on the DQA tools and processes

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 9: Data management #1415: Build quarterly DQA teams t... Obj. 9: Data management #1415: Build quarterly DQA teams to support the Activity

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 9: Data management #1414: Identify sites to carryout ... Obj. 9: Data management #1414: Identify sites to carryout quarterly DQA (N/B: 100% of sites have to benefit at least 1 DQA in a year)

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1368: Conduct SIMS at selected su... Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1368: Conduct SIMS at selected supported sites with sub-optimal performance

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1366: SIMS evaluation Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1366: SIMS evaluation

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1365: Share SOP to CBO stock mana... Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1365: Share SOP to CBO stock management with CBOs through their facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1353: Integrate Cross validation ... Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1353: Integrate Cross validation of DHIS2 commodity data in the regional quarterly Task force meeting

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1339: Identify and Set up the sto... Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1339: Identify and Set up the storage space for commodity and documentation of pharmacy archives in the health facility

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1334: Organize post-training supe... Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1334: Organize post-training supervision at the newly enrolled sites and newly posted staff in old facilities for program monitoring.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1332: Assess training needs for e... Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1332: Assess training needs for each facility and estimate training requirement

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1307: Update the customized track... Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1307: Update the customized tracking tools / update existing sample/result tracking tools in facilities and reference labs

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1300: Organize bimonthly supervis... Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1300: Organize bimonthly supervision/mentoring of facilities labs on Biosafety measures and Sample Quality Management for VL/EID/TB testing in both regions

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1287: Organise workshop with lab ... Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1287: Organise workshop with lab partner and all reference laboratories of Zone 3 for tool development and validation.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1284: Develop and share for Cente... Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1284: Develop and share for Center (review for East with CHRISS foundation) SOPs/job aids for Bikers and facility VL focal points to guide bikers and VL FP on collection and reception of results that documents each step at every level in the sample referral s

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1202: Advocate with providers of ... Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1202: Advocate with providers of VIP clients to screen for TB in the clients they follow and ensure coding of these patients

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1170: Implement proper specimen c... Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1170: Implement proper specimen collection and processing, universal precautions (e.g., basic hygiene, proper sputum and waste disposal, and cross ventilation), patient triage, and administrative control activities (e.g., active identification and separation of

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1166: Implement proper specimen c... Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1166: Implement proper specimen collection and processing, universal precautions (e.g., basic hygiene, proper sputum and waste disposal, and cross ventilation), patient triage, and administrative control activities (e.g., active identification and separation of

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1115: Design a hub and spoke diff... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1115: Design a hub and spoke differentiated service delivery approach to support AHD key interventions through referral system

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1109: Provide age-disaggregate MI... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1109: Provide age-disaggregate MI/E tools for AHD to allow for assessment of implementation and outcomes for children

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1108: Ensure a proper documentati... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1108: Ensure a proper documentation of AHD activities in the facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1087: Conduct cluster trainings o... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1087: Conduct cluster trainings of Health Care Provider in spoke sites on identified gaps in the pediatric and adolescent care, as needed

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1086: Plan and train HCW in the h... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1086: Plan and train HCW in the hub sites on the package of services

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1085: Visit the designated Pediat... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1085: Visit the designated Pediatric training Centres of excellence and diseminate list of spoke sites assigned to each hub site

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1064: Procurement and distributio... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1064: Procurement and distribution of games and toys

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1063: Compilation of list of age ... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1063: Compilation of list of age appropraite games and toys for child friendly corners, TOR and distribution plan

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1062: Assessement and refurbishing Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1062: Assessement and refurbishing

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1059: Provide basic equipment (we... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1059: Provide basic equipment (weight balance, height scale and dosing charts/wheels) and SOPs/written policies

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1051: Establish child friendly co... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1051: Establish child friendly corners in health facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #994: Support Sample Transport Sy... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #994: Support Sample Transport System of EID samples using bikers and transporter in the East region

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #987: Integrate early childhood d... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #987: Integrate early childhood development (ECD) Sessions for HEI born to AGYW in support groups in collaboration with CRS

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #957: Print and disseminate writt... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #957: Print and disseminate written policies at health faciities to ensure the staff are aware of the means of obtaining consent from different groups of emancipated minors

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #952: Offer HIV screening and tes... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #952: Offer HIV screening and testing services to all women seen during post natal visits with unknown status and refer positive mother and her exposed infant to PMTCT units for follow up.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #903: Identify and engaged commun... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #903: Identify and engaged community council leaders to boost ANC attendance in hard to reach communities.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #899: Mobilization of PW, communu... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #899: Mobilization of PW, commununity health workers( CBO, M2M,TBA,etc.) in hard-to-reach community who have not been offered ANC services.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #898: Participate in regular dist... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #898: Participate in regular district coordination meetings to present gaps in ANC coverage for the supported facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #892: Attend monthly district coo... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #892: Attend monthly district coordination meeting with MOH team to Identify Health District with low ANC uptake.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #886: Formal and informal engagem... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #886: Formal and informal engagement of community leaders through dialogue and social mobilization involving community health workers and the creation and strenghtening of male peer cadre.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #868: Continuous onsite mentorrin... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #868: Continuous onsite mentorring of staff on documentation and follow up of clients diagnosed with advance HIV disease using standardized register

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #867: Support printing of age-dis... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #867: Support printing of age-disaggregate M/E tools for AHD to allow for assessment of implementation and outcomes for children

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #857: Regional training and refre... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #857: Regional training and refreshers of health care providers in supported sites on early diagnosis and management of advanced HIV disease at the regional level

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #855: Distribution of BP apparat... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #855: Distribution of BP apparatus, scales, thermometers, and Glaucometer to 73 facilities in both regions to monitor vital parameters of clients and facilitate screening and follow up of clients with AHD

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #854: Organize a refresher sessio... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #854: Organize a refresher sessions with all newly assigned AHD FP in all supported sites on AHD

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #852: Organize cluster training o... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #852: Organize cluster training of APSs on management of AHD

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #851: Print and distribute the Ad... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #851: Print and distribute the Advanced HIV Disease Registers for all 66 Sites of Center and 30 Sites of the East Print and distribute screening forms to all supported sites

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #843: Train and mentor health car... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #843: Train and mentor health care providers on the interpretation of resistance test results

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #803: Organize one semi-annual me... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #803: Organize one semi-annual mentoring session per site for service providers in all the 96 sites on monitoring of patients with low level viremia and management of patients with high VL including the use of treatment failure algorithm and improve documentati

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #779: Use of a daily monitoring V... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #779: Use of a daily monitoring VL collection tool by APS based on their daily and monthly targets for collection

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #771: Identify and train VL champ... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #771: Identify and train VL champions in all the sites to support the care providers during the viremia clinics in generating demand for VL and display U=U messaging

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #770: Print U=U messaging for all... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #770: Print U=U messaging for all facilities and CBO to support health education talks following CDC branding policies

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #763: Organize afternoon mentorin... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #763: Organize afternoon mentoring session with APS and clinicians once a month per facility with 5 staffs to ensure provision of patient education during treatment preparation for newly identified clients during morning education talks or individual discussion

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #762: Train at the regional level... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #762: Train at the regional level care providers ( doctor, Major, APS) in monitoring and management of patients with low and high viral load, depending on needs

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #761: Organize onsite mentoring o... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #761: Organize onsite mentoring of care providers (Doctor, Major and APS) in monitoring and management of patients with low and high viral load, depending on needs

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #753: Train and mentor providers ... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #753: Train and mentor providers on routine VL monitoring, management of patients with detectable VL, enhanced adherence counselling, identification and management of therapeutic failure, and adequate patient and information flow for adequate second line switch

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #722: Organize picnics and holida... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #722: Organize picnics and holiday camps for children and adolescents to bond adolescents with the care providers and their peers (adapted activities based on their needs are carrying out, in and out of the facility)

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #714: Develop and distribute imag... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #714: Develop and distribute image charts and posters

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #713: Create male friendly spaces... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #713: Create male friendly spaces in Tier 1 and 2 sites

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #711: Collaborate with FHI 360 in... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #711: Collaborate with FHI 360 in the implementation of the pilot phase of Descentralized drug distribution

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #693: Implement weekly monitoring... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #693: Implement weekly monitoring of APS performance to identify gaps and provide tailored support

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #686: Conduct refresher training... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #686: Conduct refresher training of expert clients on generalities of HIV, linkage, adherence counselling and best practices in the active tracking of defaulters and LTFU clients and mentor service providers on their use

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #664: Review and print all SOPs, ... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #664: Review and print all SOPs, forms and registers that are pertinent to retention in care and CBO (44) (disclosure counseling inclusive) - APS daily diaries, tracking tool, CCM register, ART register, home visit forms, stickers for categorization and patient

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #654: Provide all facilities with... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #654: Provide all facilities with all tools to support to retention in care, including forms, registers, SOPs etc.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #648: Bring out and discuss data ... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #648: Bring out and discuss data on TLD transition for review during monthly coordination meeting at site level with facility team

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #646: Train and mentor new facili... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #646: Train and mentor new facility staff on optimized TLD management

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #555: Mentor site staff as well a... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #555: Mentor site staff as well as satellite sites and dispensation points to conduct ICT activities to increase probability to have new HIV positive cases especially sexual contacts of identified primary index cases

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #538: Production of audio visuals... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #538: Production of audio visuals support (pre-recorded videos) on practice of contact Elicitation and Notification for each category of clients, to be used for On-site refreshers on HIV Testing and counseling, GBV/IPV of APS , consultants and experts clients

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #454: Organize regular mentoring ... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #454: Organize regular mentoring sessions of all HTS providers on HTS and HIV algorithm according to a movement plan and gaps identified

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #432: Identify and plan workplace... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #432: Identify and plan workplace testing (park, truck stop, garage, barbing saloon, carpentry workshop and fishing area)

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 08/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #372: Train / retrain HCWs in ch... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #372: Train / retrain HCWs in charge of index testing on IPV Screening and response, WHO 5Cs, and adverse events monitoring and response for all the 96 supported facilities in view of offering save and ethical ICT

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #371: Paste patient rights at app... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #371: Paste patient rights at approprait places in all 96 facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #314: Provide services tailored t... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #314: Provide services tailored to Men's needs (being positive or negative) and give appoitments for next visits

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #313: Provide transportation fare... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #313: Provide transportation fare, perdiem for a two-days outreach with offer of a multi package (weight and BP check, HIV Testing, Malaria testing, prostate palpation and consultation, and fasting blood sugar) for wellness services during community rapid case

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #309: Organize male friendly serv... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #309: Organize male friendly services such as male friendly corners, in 8 (5 Center, 3 East) health facilities, with sensitization and training of HCWs

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #275: Identify key actors at key ... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #275: Identify key actors at key entry points in the facility and train them on the use of the KP risk assessment and cartegorization tool

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #265: Scale up support in staffin... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #265: Scale up support in staffing needs (as needed) for supported prisons

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal


































Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1365: Share SOP to CBO stock mana... Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1365: Share SOP to CBO stock management with CBOs through their facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1353: Integrate Cross validation ... Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1353: Integrate Cross validation of DHIS2 commodity data in the regional quarterly Task force meeting

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1339: Identify and Set up the sto... Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1339: Identify and Set up the storage space for commodity and documentation of pharmacy archives in the health facility

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1058: Need Assessment and distrib... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1058: Need Assessment and distribution plan for basic equipments like weight balance, height scale.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 05/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #843: Train and mentor health car... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #843: Train and mentor health care providers on the interpretation of resistance test results

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/30/2023
Priority: Normal


Obj. 9: Data management #1450: Print out the SOPs and tool... Obj. 9: Data management #1450: Print out the SOPs and tools and Distribute to health Facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 9: Data management #1449: Develop missing SOPs and tools Obj. 9: Data management #1449: Develop missing SOPs and tools

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 9: Data management #1448: Review Existing SOPs and tools Obj. 9: Data management #1448: Review Existing SOPs and tools

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 9: Data management #1447: Provide and monitor the use... Obj. 9: Data management #1447: Provide and monitor the use of SOPs and tools for M&E

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1332: Assess training needs for e... Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1332: Assess training needs for each facility and estimate training requirement

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1284: Develop and share for Cente... Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1284: Develop and share for Center (review for East with CHRISS foundation) SOPs/job aids for Bikers and facility VL focal points to guide bikers and VL FP on collection and reception of results that documents each step at every level in the sample referral s

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1173: Follow-up with the national... Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1173: Follow-up with the national TB program to train lab staffs in sites with POC for viral load/TB gene Xpert

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1169: Follow-up with the national... Obj. 6: TB/HIV Management #1169: Follow-up with the national TB program to train lab staffs in sites with POC for viral load/TB gene Xpert

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 9: Data management #1149: 9.2: Monitor availability a... Obj. 9: Data management #1149: 9.2: Monitor availability and use of paper tools (patient files, national registers and SOPs)

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1115: Design a hub and spoke diff... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1115: Design a hub and spoke differentiated service delivery approach to support AHD key interventions through referral system

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1086: Plan and train HCW in the h... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1086: Plan and train HCW in the hub sites on the package of services

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1085: Visit the designated Pediat... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1085: Visit the designated Pediatric training Centres of excellence and diseminate list of spoke sites assigned to each hub site

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1065: identify eligible AGYW and ... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1065: identify eligible AGYW and ABYM expert in the cohorts

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1063: Compilation of list of age ... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1063: Compilation of list of age appropraite games and toys for child friendly corners, TOR and distribution plan

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1060: Develop dosing charts, whee... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1060: Develop dosing charts, wheels, and SOPs/written policies and develop PRF for procurement

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1040: Print and Disseminate SOPs,... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1040: Print and Disseminate SOPs, registers and jobaides, tool kits for therapeutic education

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1039: Reorganize patient flow wit... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1039: Reorganize patient flow within site

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 04/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #957: Print and disseminate writt... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #957: Print and disseminate written policies at health faciities to ensure the staff are aware of the means of obtaining consent from different groups of emancipated minors

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #857: Regional training and refre... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #857: Regional training and refreshers of health care providers in supported sites on early diagnosis and management of advanced HIV disease at the regional level

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #803: Organize one semi-annual me... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #803: Organize one semi-annual mentoring session per site for service providers in all the 96 sites on monitoring of patients with low level viremia and management of patients with high VL including the use of treatment failure algorithm and improve documentati

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #771: Identify and train VL champ... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #771: Identify and train VL champions in all the sites to support the care providers during the viremia clinics in generating demand for VL and display U=U messaging

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #686: Conduct refresher training... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #686: Conduct refresher training of expert clients on generalities of HIV, linkage, adherence counselling and best practices in the active tracking of defaulters and LTFU clients and mentor service providers on their use

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #371: Paste patient rights at app... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #371: Paste patient rights at approprait places in all 96 facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #275: Identify key actors at key ... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #275: Identify key actors at key entry points in the facility and train them on the use of the KP risk assessment and cartegorization tool

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #265: Scale up support in staffin... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #265: Scale up support in staffing needs (as needed) for supported prisons

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 05/01/2023
Due date: 05/31/2023
Priority: Normal


Obj. 9: Data management #1419: Quaterly DQA activity prope... Obj. 9: Data management #1419: Quaterly DQA activity proper (recount data, files crosscheck, document completeness etc)

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 9: Data management #1401: Structure and Implement qua... Obj. 9: Data management #1401: Structure and Implement quarterly remediaton plans drawn from post DQA activity

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 9: Data management #1389: Print out SIMs tool Version... Obj. 9: Data management #1389: Print out SIMs tool Version 4.1 or have an electronic copy for effective implementation

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 9: Data management #1387: Liase with supply chain tea... Obj. 9: Data management #1387: Liase with supply chain team to effect supply chain quality

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1330: Provide materials (cupboard... Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1330: Provide materials (cupboards, archive boxes) to archive documents in each facility (Pharmacy)

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1323: Mentor facility staff on ar... Obj. 8: Supply Chain #1323: Mentor facility staff on archiving tools and documents related to commodities management

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 07/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1296: Organize quarterly review m... Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1296: Organize quarterly review meetings with the 6 referenc labs in the center region and 1 reference lab in the East to discuss on challenges with the TAT at their level.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1289: Quarterly Virtual Meeting w... Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1289: Quarterly Virtual Meeting with GHSS, NACC and RTG to plan, and review the model of sample referral network according to the 2 regions and buy-in the model to strengthen the VL referral networks in areas non covered by the TIDE project

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1283: Organize a 1 day quarterly ... Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab #1283: Organize a 1 day quarterly Review meeting with all 34 bikers in the Center to refresh, re-orient and define new policies attached to the electronic phase of the system. Electronic system should be implemented in the East.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1113: Develop and print jobaids o... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1113: Develop and print jobaids on symptom checklist review and screening for opportunistic infections (OIs) during clinic or home visits

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 07/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1102: Organize a semi-annual One ... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1102: Organize a semi-annual One wellness day with Adolescent on ART in each region

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1100: Organize a semi-annual One ... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1100: Organize a semi-annual One wellness day with Adolescent on ART in each region

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1096: Promote Adolescent wellness... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1096: Promote Adolescent wellness days

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 07/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1092: Quarterly Coordination and ... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1092: Quarterly Coordination and review meetings with mentors of PTCE to evaluate mentorship programs and review strategies

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1090: Accompany the mentors in th... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1090: Accompany the mentors in their mentorship and supportive supervision of the sites in the implementation of pediatric and adolescent care

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1089: Develop a mentorship progra... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1089: Develop a mentorship program and establish a network for mentorship in both regions

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 07/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1088: Equip the centres with a pa... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1088: Equip the centres with a package of services for pediatrics and adolescents

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 07/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1048: Organize quartely parents f... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1048: Organize quartely parents forum with parents of undisclosed and newly disclosed children

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1046: Print counseling cards and ... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1046: Print counseling cards and registers for disclosure

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 07/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1042: Improve patient's literacy ... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1042: Improve patient's literacy by disseminating educational material

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 07/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1038: Conduct joint quarterly sup... Obj. 5: Ped Ado ART #1038: Conduct joint quarterly supervision to selected sites with OVC partners

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #959: Design a need specific pack... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #959: Design a need specific package to offer to this sub population during support group meetings

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #933: Support all PBFW with indet... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #933: Support all PBFW with indeterminate results for a confirmation test using ELISA.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #900: Facility-led integrated out... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #900: Facility-led integrated outreach maternal/child health services to reach women in hard to reach communities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #890: Institute and maintain quar... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #890: Institute and maintain quarterly cluster CQI review meetings on the PMTCT program area .

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #880: Support quarterly continuou... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #880: Support quarterly continuous supportive supervisory and mentorship visits with district and GU teams, to ensure the national guidelines are being correctly implemented at facility level.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 4: PMTCT services #875: Support continuous supporti... Obj. 4: PMTCT services #875: Support continuous supportive supervisory and mentorship visits with district and TIDE teams

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #860: Promote mentoring of spokes... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #860: Promote mentoring of spokes sites by hub sites to improve management of advanced disease

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #853: Organize training for healt... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #853: Organize training for health care providers on management of AHD

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #785: Provide cold boxes and ice ... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #785: Provide cold boxes and ice packs for viral load collection and transportation in the community

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #768: Organise a CBO/Facility qua... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #768: Organise a CBO/Facility quarterly regional coordination meeting in Yaounde with 37 participants in Center region and 7 in East region

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #767: Organize and carry out join... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #767: Organize and carry out joint quaterly supervision by facility staff, RTG and clinical partner to evaluate quality of services offered in facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #749: Organize literacy campaign ... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #749: Organize literacy campaign during World AIDS week celebration through knowledge assessment using short questionnaires and education on HIV/AIDS in all supported sites. Create awareness for visitors coming to the health facility in Tier 1 sites . Collabor

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #739: Organize literacy campaign ... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #739: Organize literacy campaign during World AIDS week celebration through knowledge assessment using short questionnaires and education on HIV/AIDS in all supported sites. Create awareness for visitors coming to the health facility in Tier 1 sites . Collabor

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #696: Provide SOP for support gro... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #696: Provide SOP for support group to all supported facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #675: Joint quarterly supervision... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #675: Joint quarterly supervision session with RTG team to reinforce and harmonize the implementation of CCM model, using cohort and facility level performance data, in addition to CQI principles and data use for improvement

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #668: Identify quarterly the site... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #668: Identify quarterly the sites with poor patient flow and redefine it according to the gap.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #665: Do quarterly inventory of s... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #665: Do quarterly inventory of stock at warehouse and facilities for all retention tools in all facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #661: Conduct cluster trainings a... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #661: Conduct cluster trainings and mentoring of APS on therapeutic education and the use of image boxes

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 07/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #660: Conduct cluster trainings a... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #660: Conduct cluster trainings and mentoring of APS on management of unstable and stable clients

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 07/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #653: Targeted cluster training a... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #653: Targeted cluster training and mentoring of APS on case management

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 08/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #647: Print and distribute the d... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #647: Print and distribute the document for pharmacovigillance and brief staff on the implementation.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #644: Collaborate with RTG to Pri... Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup #644: Collaborate with RTG to Print and distribute updated ART Guidelines to all supported facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #539: Onsite refresher / role pla... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #539: Onsite refresher / role play sessions using the audio-visual to strengthen the capacities of APS and other identified staff of all entry points on a weekly basis in all 96 facilities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 07/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #503: Develop, produce and distri... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #503: Develop, produce and distribute sensitization messages on PrEp services among target population to increase awareness and create demand

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #474: Train and sensitise healthc... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #474: Train and sensitise healthcare workers on PEP avaialability and use following accidental exposure to blood/Body fluid.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #466: Develop age and sex appropr... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #466: Develop age and sex appropriiate peer education pragrams with target populations(AGYW/ABYM)

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #458: Build health care workers' ... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #458: Build health care workers' capacities on the availability and use of PEP

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #447: Implement male friendly ser... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #447: Implement male friendly services at facilities such as fast-tracking of men who come for HIV testing services, extended hours and weekend testing for men

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #415: Update the cartography of z... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #415: Update the cartography of zones not covered by the community partners in all 39 health districts (24 Center/15 East)

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 08/31/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #414: Joint quarterly follow up w... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #414: Joint quarterly follow up with the District and RTG teams for planned focused outreach for HTS and other prevention activities

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #406: Ensure all clients who came... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #406: Ensure all clients who came for refill are offered suspect case service, contacts are elicitated with their localisation plan documented

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #352: Take active part in the Pre... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #352: Take active part in the Prevention technical working group/ coordination meetings at national and regional levels

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #351: Improve collaboration with ... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #351: Improve collaboration with stakeholders involved in HIV prevention actvities(NACC/RTG/GU)

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #345: Using human-centered design... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #345: Using human-centered design (HCD), Organize quarterly working sessions with key and priority populations to explore integration of additional services such as PrEP, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), and sexual health and STI screening, as indicated for KP

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #342: Develop flyers and posters ... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #342: Develop flyers and posters with prevention messages for KP/PPs

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #317: Identify and map out men's ... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #317: Identify and map out men's meeting venues (park, truck stop, garage, barbing saloon, carpentry workshop and fishing area)

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #296: Engage different leaders/au... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #296: Engage different leaders/authorities and establish a program/timetable

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #295: Identify and train KP pee... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #295: Identify and train KP peer educators on prevetion interventions amongst KPs

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #294: Identify and select 3 and 2... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #294: Identify and select 3 and 2 health districts in the Center and East regions respectively not covered by community Partners.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #287: Engage and train KP hotspot... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #287: Engage and train KP hotspot, Sex venue and peer educator leaders.

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #286: Identify and establish a li... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #286: Identify and establish a list of underserved KP hotspots and sex venues

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #276: Print and distribute the ri... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #276: Print and distribute the risk assesment tool to key entry points at the facility

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 06/30/2023
Priority: Normal
Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #264: Carry out joint Quarterly S... Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV #264: Carry out joint Quarterly Supportive supervision of HIV care and treatment activities in the prison– prison administrator, RTG & IP team

Project: TIDE - Cameroon - Y4
Status: New
Start date: 06/01/2023
Due date: 09/30/2023
Priority: Normal



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