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Estimated time: 731.00 Spent time: 666.00

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Estimated time Spent time % Done
1285 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Continue providing monthly airtime for 34 bikers and 96 facility VL FP, to enable them to track VL samples and results through calls, ensure daily, weekly and monthly reports are sent through Whatsapp 07/19/2023 04:22 PM 0.00

1284 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Develop and share for Center (review for East with CHRISS foundation) SOPs/job aids for Bikers and facility VL focal points to guide bikers and VL FP on collection and reception of results that documents each step at every level in the sample referral s 07/19/2023 04:22 PM 0.00

1283 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Organize a 1 day quarterly Review meeting with all 34 bikers in the Center to refresh, re-orient and define new policies attached to the electronic phase of the system. Electronic system should be implemented in the East. 07/19/2023 04:21 PM 0.00

1282 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Collaborate with the lab partner to ensure weekly monitoring of sample backlog and sample rejection logs at facility & reference labs to harmonize tracking of results and minimize data discordance 07/19/2023 04:20 PM 0.00

1281 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Provide sample collection, packaging and transportation materials to health facilities for sample collection in the community(e.g cool boxes, biosafety boxes etc) 07/19/2023 04:20 PM 0.00

1280 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Collaborate with lab partners to train APS on biosafety and sample handling and shipment from community to site. 07/19/2023 04:18 PM 0.00

1279 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Provide and ensure use of adequate material/required equipment (Standard logbooks*) for sample/result shipment 07/19/2023 04:16 PM 2.00

1278 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Site Monitoring of VL activities, to track VL/EID/TB samples and results, through on-site physical follow up, as per the need 07/19/2023 04:16 PM 1.00

1277 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Set up, review VL/EID trackers and follow up on proper documentation from facility to reference labs on weekly basis, to track VL samples and results, electronically and through paper documentation 07/19/2023 04:15 PM 0.00

1276 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Develop an integrated specimen transport network Map for EID, VL, TB, CD4 Count, Cryptococcus including resistance testing for ARV 07/19/2023 04:15 PM 0.00

1275 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Provide sample transport equipment to facilitate sample transportation (badge, rain coat, boots, bag, files, cool box, helmets, cryoboxes) 07/19/2023 04:14 PM 0.00

1274 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal In each region, Organize a refresher training for the 34 bikers in the center region + 10 bikers of transporter in the East region to ensure sample transport and return of results for EID, VL, CD4, TB and other samples and biosafty measures. 07/19/2023 04:14 PM 0.00

1273 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Renew contract and service notes of 34 bikers and transporters (CHRISS F) respectively in the Center and East region for VL/EID/TB sample/result transport aiming to improve the TAT 07/19/2023 04:14 PM 0.00

1272 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Update the contract of bikers and transporter (CHRISS F) to make them accountable of VL/EID/TB and other samples, results delivered within 24 hours with the aim of improving the TAT 07/19/2023 04:13 PM 0.00

1271 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Define and share VL/EID reference and back-up labs for each facility in the referral network and set target for time to redirection of samples in case of disruption of service in the main lab in both regoins. 07/19/2023 04:13 PM 0.00

1270 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Organize 1 mentoring session by semester for each of the 73 old facilities and quarterly for each of the 23 new sites for both regions on the use of the required registers, SOPs, Jobaids and others tools 07/19/2023 04:12 PM 0.00

1269 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Provide and distribute VL registers, High VL Registers, QA registers, VL request booklet, Booklet for sample/result delivery form for all facilities of both regions on need basis. 07/19/2023 04:12 PM 0.00

1268 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Prepare a purchase requisition to provide all standards registers, tools based on the needs (VL sample collection, QA) 07/19/2023 04:11 PM 0.00

1267 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Request the list of SOPs and required jobaids to GHSS for printing JOB AIDS: -HIV National Algorithm (modify algorithm to Include/exclude Wantai, list all substitu 07/19/2023 04:11 PM 0.00

1266 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Provide equipment like refrigerators, centrifuges and solar panels especially for our newly added sites based on their needs. 07/19/2023 04:09 PM 0.00

1265 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Send out a google sheet to be filled by facility lab technician/Clinical Mentor to carry out need assessment in all sites of both regions 07/19/2023 04:09 PM 0.00

1264 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Organize a quarterly joint meeting between GU, GHSS, DPML, NACC and RTG, to monitor and evaluate level of implementation of lab activities done during the quarter, review and evaluate activity outcomes and propose way forward 07/19/2023 04:08 PM 0.00

1263 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Organize a monthly virtual meeting with GHSS and GU Lab Team for Center and East regions for the monitoring of the validated lab workplan. 07/19/2023 04:07 PM 0.00

1262 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Organize a meeting in Yaounde with DPML, NACC, RTG, DLMEP, GHSS and GU (East and Center) for to review the proposed workplan of partners for alignment to the national strategic lab plan and elaborate/propose items for work plan focusing on areas of synerg 07/19/2023 04:07 PM 0.00

1261 Obj. 7: Strengthen Lab New Normal Organize a joint virtual meeting between GHSS and GU lab team, to prepare joint meeting with MoH team 07/19/2023 04:06 PM 0.00

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