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Estimated time: 731.00 Spent time: 666.00

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Estimated time Spent time % Done
704 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Identification of clients with specific needs who cant make it to facility for ART pickup 07/18/2023 04:18 PM 0.00

703 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Implement and sustain MMD for adult and children 07/18/2023 04:36 PM 0.00

702 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Expand the implementation of adolescent and youth friendly services 07/18/2023 04:31 PM 0.00

701 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Introduce male-friendly clinic services, including sensitized staff and male-only clinics 07/18/2023 04:31 PM 0.00

700 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Implement Community ART dispensation via dispensation points, CBO and ART Groups, private pharmacy 07/18/2023 04:19 PM 0.00

699 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Implement Community ART dispensation via dispensation points, CBO and ART Groups, private pharmacy 07/18/2023 04:06 PM 0.00

698 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Support ART Home dispensation by care provider for clients in facilities and CBO including VIP 07/18/2023 04:18 PM 0.00

697 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal -Provision of transport fare to specific groups in need who can't afford to encourage continuous presence and participation during support group sessions 07/18/2023 04:05 PM 0.00

696 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Provide SOP for support group to all supported facilities 07/18/2023 04:03 PM 0.00

695 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Sensitize and enrol patients into appropriate support group 07/18/2023 04:00 PM 0.00

694 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Support quarterly evaluation meetings of CBO activities 07/18/2023 03:59 PM 0.00

693 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Implement weekly monitoring of APS performance to identify gaps and provide tailored support 07/18/2023 03:58 PM 0.00

692 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Joint quarterly evaluation sessions of CBO activities with RTG team 07/18/2023 03:55 PM 0.00

691 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Support weekly retention meetings in all supported facilities using CQI approach and data visualized by cohort 07/18/2023 03:55 PM 3.00

690 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Support weekly retention meetings in all supported facilities using CQI approach and data visualized by cohort 07/18/2023 03:50 PM 0.00

689 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Pairing of retention APS for peer mentoring 07/18/2023 03:49 PM 0.00

688 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Implement, in selected facilities, site mentorship on case management activities and encourage sharing of best practices across all supported facilities and between APS in a facility 07/18/2023 03:48 PM 0.00

687 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Provide motivation package to expert clients (Transportation and Airtime) 07/18/2023 03:47 PM 0.00

686 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Conduct refresher training of expert clients on generalities of HIV, linkage, adherence counselling and best practices in the active tracking of defaulters and LTFU clients and mentor service providers on their use 07/18/2023 03:47 PM 0.00

685 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Identify and Reengage expert clients in facilities in need for linkage, reinforce adherence in ART and active tracking of defaulters and LTFU clients. 07/18/2023 03:46 PM 0.00

684 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Develop and distribute to sites consistent affirmative welcome back messaging that avoids the negative consequences of interruption of care and provides positive reinforcement for re-engagement (develop and print flyers on U=U messaging with males pictur 07/18/2023 03:44 PM 0.00

683 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Identification and triangulation of information of LTFU and newly initiated clients between facilities and border communities existing between facilities to identify and eliminate situations of double counting 07/18/2023 03:43 PM 0.00

682 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Scale up and optimize pill count strategy in all supported facilities and CBO 07/18/2023 03:43 PM 0.00

681 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Support retention committee meeting involving CBOs in all sites and using CQI approach in resolving gaps identified. (transport reimbursement and snacks during meetings). 07/18/2023 03:42 PM 0.00

680 Obj. 3: Retention and VL Sup New Normal Systematic enrollment of clients who became IIT and brought back to care on EAC . 07/18/2023 03:42 PM 0.00

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