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Estimated time: 731.00 Spent time: 666.00

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Estimated time Spent time % Done
570 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Support linkage review meetings at facility level 07/18/2023 12:46 PM 0.00

569 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Expand same day ART initiation through extended hours for linkage to ART 07/18/2023 12:45 PM 0.00

568 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Ensure availability of all standard registers, SOPs, tools and documents at all ART Clinics for proper linkage 07/18/2023 12:44 PM 0.00

567 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Establish KP friendly services in selected supported facilities to enhance linkage and retention of KP to treatment 07/18/2023 12:43 PM 0.00

566 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Support linkage of children identify HIV positive in the OVC program to the treatment center and referal of children to the community program for other social services based on the needs 07/18/2023 12:39 PM 0.00

565 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Implement handshake model with community partners to improve linkage 07/18/2023 12:32 PM 4.00

564 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal Implement active linkage of clients identified HIV positives at facility and community levels 07/18/2023 12:27 PM 0.00

563 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal 2.4: Support linkage data review 07/18/2023 12:59 PM 0.00

562 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal 2.3: Deploy expert clients in new cohorts 07/18/2023 12:58 PM 0.00

561 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal 2.2: Implement differentiated ART initiation through ARV starter packs 07/18/2023 12:52 PM 0.00

560 Obj. 2: Link to treatment New Normal 2.1: Build capacity of HTS providers/linkage agents and ensure linkage of all HIV positive clients within facilities and from communities 07/18/2023 12:47 PM 0.00

555 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Mentor site staff as well as satellite sites and dispensation points to conduct ICT activities to increase probability to have new HIV positive cases especially sexual contacts of identified primary index cases 07/18/2023 12:09 PM 0.00

554 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Monitor the implementation of ICT activities planned in the facility and community 07/18/2023 12:08 PM 0.00

553 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Integrate ICT (testing of contacts/biological children in all Facility Led Community activities 07/18/2023 12:07 PM 0.00

552 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Hold weekly and monthly data review meetings to assess completion of ICT cascades, from offer of ICT to eligible clients, elicitation of contacts, contact notification and testing. 07/18/2023 12:07 PM 0.00

551 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Elaborate and submit weekly and monthly community plans for testing of contacts (Linelist of all contacts elicited and notified to be tested in the community with their localization plan) 07/18/2023 12:06 PM 0.00

550 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Intensify mentoring on elicitation and notification in all 96 facilities using best APS and expert client (within the cluster) with good knowledge of contact elicitation and notification 07/18/2023 12:06 PM 0.00

549 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Track and offer HTS to old backlog of linelisted contacts who were not tested (notified and not notified) 07/18/2023 12:05 PM 0.00

548 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Activelly link contacts with negative results to prevention services and the clients identified positive to treatment. 07/18/2023 12:05 PM 0.00

547 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Offer differentiated HIV testing services to all contacts elicited in the facility and the community depending on the clients preference. 07/18/2023 12:04 PM 0.00

546 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Notify elicitated contacts and biological children through the agreed method using the client centered approach. 07/18/2023 12:04 PM 0.00

545 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Improve contacts elicitation using role play, elicitation job aid, pre-recorded videos, client socio-demography data, etc 07/18/2023 12:03 PM 0.00

544 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Determine the preferred notification method or child testing for each partner/child (client referal, provider notification contract and Dual notification. Propose all the notification options to the index clients and agree on the method that is suitable f 07/18/2023 12:03 PM 0.00

543 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Conduct an Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) risk assesment for each named patner 07/18/2023 12:02 PM 0.00

542 Obj. 1: Testing/identify PLHIV New Normal Lineliste the sexual, needle sharing, biological parents, and biological children less than 19 years old 07/18/2023 12:02 PM 0.00

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